Πέμπτη 16 Ιουνίου 2011

Έρευνα : The Georgia Guidestones , ένα μνημείο απανθρωπιάς!!!!3ο Μέρος

Rosicrucianism is a philosophical secret society, said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz. It holds a doctrine or theology "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm."[1] Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross.
Between 1607 and 1616, two anonymous manifestos were published, first in Germany and later throughout Europe.[2] These were Fama Fraternitatis RC (The Fame of the Brotherhood of RC) and Confessio Fraternitatis (The Confession of the Brotherhood of RC). The influence of these documents, presenting a "most laudable Order" of mystic-philosopher-doctors and promoting a "Universal Reformation of Mankind", gave rise to an enthusiasm called by its historian Dame Frances Yates the "Rosicrucian Enlightenment".[3]

Αν και η σύνδεση της αρχικής μυστικής αδελφότητας Ροδόσταυροι με τη σύγχρονο αδελφική οργάνωση, η Rosicrucian Society [AMORC] είναι ασαφής στην καλύτερη περίπτωση παρόλο που έχουν έχουν υιοθετήσει τυπικά τους.

Ένα από τα πολλά μυστήρια λύθηκε , απομένουν ακόμα περισσότερα......

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